- Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation News The Films Research Indyfans


Paul Shipper

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Reactions to the film
"Wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your very loving and detailed tribute to our Raiders of the Lost Ark. I saw and appreciated the vast amounts of imagination and originality you put in your film. Again, congratulations. I'll be waiting to see your names someday on the big screen."
- Steven Spielberg -
(in a letter to Chris, Eric & Jayson)


"This would be the one of the greatest kids movies
of all time, much like the original is one of the greatest
adventure films of all time. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea
and am so happy to hear a screenplay is
being developed about it."

- Eli Roth -
(Director/Writer, Cabin Fever)

"Chris Strompolos captures the magic of Harrison Ford
in the film... I feel this is the best damn fan film
I have ever seen. The love and passion and sacrifice
is on every single frame of this thing...
Personally, this is what fandom to me is all about.
This sort of triumph. This sort of magic...
Be prepared to be blown away by PURE MAGIC."

- Harry Knowles -
(Ain't It Cool News - May 31, 2003)

"Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation is just
phenomenal. [Chuckles] I think they really pulled it off
- every single shot and every moment. It's great!"

- Wes Craven -

"Amazing. You guys are crazy. Absolute insanity."

- Terry Rossio & Ted Elliot -
(Screenwriters Pirates of the Caribbean)

"No other film experience will prepare you for this.
Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation is like no other
film you have ever seen - except for (the original).
This trio of filmmakers showed more tenacity,
originality, heart, courage and skill than ten
independent production teams put together
- and all before puberty!"

- Tim League -
(Owner of the Drafthouse Cinemas in Texas

"It was one of the single greatest experiences
of my life as a movie goer, seeing this."

- Matt Zoller Seitz -
(New York Press)

"The video charms with its low budget ingenuity!
Lots of people play with camcorders, but how many
pull themselves underneath moving trucks for
their favorite film?"

- Premiere Magazine -

"It is... nothing short of stunning...
a genuine virtuoso work."

- Sarah Hepola -
(The Austin Chronicle)

"This stitched-together masterpiece of low-fi execution is
a chilling testament to the indefatigable persistence
of boyhood, bolted to an amateur cinematic expression
of bliss that's gone unintentionally supernova.
“Adaptation" is a treasure of comedy, marvel, and
accomplishment... It's a big wet smooch to Spielberg,
youthful ambition, and suburban stuntwork; every single
moment a triumph of construction-paper integrity
and geeky exuberance."
- -
"After Harry Knowles's review was posted - I put
a link to the trailer and the review for Raiders
on my website. This link received 30,000
hits in five hours. It almost crashed my server."

- Marty Smith -
(Website Administrator, Seattle)

"The Adaptation is the living proof what true
compassion for cinema can achieve."

- Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung -
(newspaper, northern Germany)

"The most unusual film of the entire festival. [...]
Steven Spielberg is said to have shed tears of joy
at the sight of this remake."

- Prinz -
(German magazine)

"To realise their project the team showed more
compassion, more creativity and more skill than
the average major production company."

- Mox -
(German magazine)

"Unbelievable but true"

- NWZ-Inside / Nordwest Zeitung -
(newspaper, northern Germany)

"One of the most whimsical films of all time."

- Weser Kurier -
(newspaper, northwest Germany)

"A hidden treasure."

- Bremer Anzeiger -
(newspaper, northern Germany)

"Spielberg honoured the young filmmakers vision and
originality, stating that he was impressed by the
lovingly reenacted classic. [...] The touching story
about three boys who achieved something great just
through their fantasy and imagination."

- Neue Westfälische -
(newspaper, northern Germany)

"It took them seven years to complete the shoot.
The video footage doubles up as a study of American
adolescence in the 80s.[...] This is a most wonderful
hommage to Hollywood, interactive cinema
avant la letter."

- taz -
(German newspaper, nationwide)


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